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The New Class: T.J. Smith

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T.J. Smith
Position: Defensive end
Hometown: Hazel Green, Ala.
High School: Hazel Green Rating: Three stars.
Recruited by: Walter Wells
Has your size changed at all?
Hold on, I'm about to get on that weight scale right now and see how much I weigh. I am 225 right now. Got that 15 pounds doing Tae-Bo. I love it man.
What does your workout routine entail?
I do Tae Bo, I do benching, power clean. I just do everything I have to do to get better, keep climbing that mountain to the top. When I get to that top, I've gotta stay there, keep working hard.
When do you plan on reporting to WKU?
I believe it's June 7.
What do you plan on working or improving on through this summer?
I want to be 245 pounds by the time I get up there and I know I can do it. So I'll be 245 and I wanna run a 4.55 40-yard dash.
How would you describe your playing style?
I am a downhill runner. I'm always fired up, man and I love playing the game of football. I love to hit people. Hitting people's what I do. I just know how to hit people. That's what I do. I'm so fired up, man. I don't know what to tell you.
What are some of your goals as a freshman?
My goal is to become a first team Sun Belt Conference player. That's my number one goal, because I know I can get there and I work hard. I love working hard.
What's your favorite food?
I love to eat. But hamburgers, man. I love eating hamburgers.
What is your favorite movie?
Gotta be The Green Mile.
Who is your favorite musician?
let me get on Itunes for a minute. That'd probably be The Bee Gees. I love the Bee Gees, man.
What would be three words to describe you?
Fired up and fired up. Well, that's four. Fired up and working, that's three. That's what I do.
If you could date any celebrity, who would it be?
Probably Kate Hudson.
If you could pick a fight with any celebrity, who would it be?
Probably the Rock. Then I'd be like, 'Yeah, now who's the Rock?! I'm cookin' now! I'm the Rock now!'
What's been your most memorable experience playing football?
When we finally broke our 29-game losing streak. I just started crying and I was like, 'Thank the lord, we finally did it!' It was about time, too.
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